What is A Pygora Goat?
A Pygora goat is a breed purposely bred and then registered in Oregon by Katherine Jorgensen. She wanted an animal which would produce fine fiber for hand spinning. She bred the Pygmy, a goat with short, soft down to the Angora, a goat with long silky fleece. The Pygora Breeders Association was formed in 1978. Since then, the Pygora has increased in number and popularity.
Do the parent animals have to be registered to make a Pygora?
In order to register kids with PBA, both parents must be registered. Parents of first-generation goats must be registered with the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA) and the American Angora goat Breeders Association (AAGBA). No other registrations are accepted. In order to register kids from Pygora parents, both parents must be registered with PBA.
Does it matter which breed, Pygmy or Angora, is used as the doe?
No, either way a Pygora is the result. However, if a Pygmy doe is chosen, consideration must be given to her size to insure a trouble-free delivery. Kidding problems are infrequent, and the kids are very vigorous and usually up and nursing within 15 minutes.
What size are the kids and adults?
Most kids are about 5 pounds at birth. Again, it may depend on which breed is used as the doe. Does range in weight from 65 to 75 pounds, while bucks and wethers range from 75 to 95 pounds. PBA has minimum height requirements of 18 inches for does and 23 inches for bucks. There is no maximum height restriction.
Must Pygoras be 50% Angora and 50% Pygmy?
No, the mixture may contain up to, but not more than, 75% of one of the parent breeds.
Is the first-generation cross registerable as a Pygora?
Technically the first generation, or “F1” is not a true Pygora, but a hybrid. A hybrid is not a breed until it breeds “true”. We do, however, register “F1” goats and they are shown only in “F1” classes and not eligible for championships.
Is registration automatic for kids of registered animals?
No, in order to be permanently registered, a Pygora must have fleece. Pre-registration is issued to a goat under 8 months of age. For permanent registration a fleece sample and picture of the goat in fleece must be submitted with the application.
What colors are Pygoras?
PBA accepts all Pygmy colors and their dilutions plus white. Color markings resembling other breeds are not acceptable.
What is the personality of the Pygora?
Pygoras have the docility of the Angora and the spunk and plyfulness of the Pygmy. They have the curiosity of the cat and experience their world like a 2-year-old human; everything new must be tasted!